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It is a great time to renew your IASPHA membership! Visit our Membership Tab to join online or download a form.

What’s Happening?


On January 8, American Saddlebred Horse and Breeder Association (ASHBA) member, Scott Hagan, in accordance with Article XVI, Section 3, proposed amendments to the current ASHBA Bylaws to be voted on by the Membership at the ASHBA Annual Meeting on February 13 in Lexington, Kentucky.


What you need to know?


The proposed bylaws will:


  • Return control of the Association to the Membership by returning the ability to vote for the Board of Directors

  • Prohibit amending the bylaws without vote of the membership

  • Reduce the number of Board Members from 18 to 11

  • Populate the Board with at least six amateurs and four professionals, six of whom must be breeders (whether professional or amateur)

  • Prohibit ASHBA Directors from holding positions as Directors/Officers of any other associated equestrian organization to eliminate potential conflicts of interest.


How Does This Affect Me as an IASPHA Member?


On January 5, the ASHBA sent out the “2025 Horse Show Application” to all horse show managers and secretaries. For horse shows to have their competition results recorded, shows must choose from three options- USEF/USEF Lite; Star Show (USEF Saddlebred and Half-Saddlebred rules must be used for competition); and Non-Affiliate Horse Show. In order for a horse show to be under the governance of Equine Sports Council, it must choose the “Non-Affiliate” option which is the most costly and offers the least benefits to ASHBA members- NO CH Points offered, NO points earned towards ASHBA Year End High Point Awards, and NO National Select Series classes can be offered.


The membership currently has no recourse of action as the membership does not have a voice in what individuals are elected to the ASHBA Board of Directors, therefore the Directors are at liberty to make rules as they please as there will be no consequence.


What Can I Do?


Download the proxy form with your signature and CURRENT ASHBA Membership number and email to or and we will make sure the ASHBA Director voting in favor of the proposed bylaw change receives it.



Prefilled proxy for a director voting in favor of the proposed bylaws.

Download a prefilled proxy if you want to vote yes to the bylaw changes and return the power back to the membership. Once you add your name and CURRENT membership number, email the form to Donna Smith at or Kristen Pettry at and we will get all proxies to the voting member that will be at the meeting. 


If you choose to vote no you can download the blank proxy.


The Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association was founded by a group of pleasure horse enthusiasts in 1971 to promote the use of the American Saddlebred as a pleasure horse. Our horse shows were some of the first in the country to offer western pleasure, classic, hunt seat, show and country pleasure divisions. We still offer a full compliment of pleasure horse classes for our membership. 


Over the years IASPHA has adapted to the changing needs within our industry. Starting in 1971 with one pleasure horse show, IASPHA now sponsors 3 shows offering classes in all performance divisions. We also have a large number of affiliated  shows where members can earn points toward year end champion and reserve champion High Point Awards. We invite you to join our family fun atmosphere where we  focus on the enjoyment of the American Saddlebred.  


IASPHA has been very successful in realizing its goals over the past 50 years. We are currently one of the largest American Saddlebred Association charter clubs in the nation with an active and involved membership.


IASPHA also created and sponsors the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics, a prestigious leg in the Pleasure Equitation triple crown. We are excited to join forces with the Monarch Series Championship Horse Show, the host for this exciting event!



April 11-13


July 25-27


Oct 24-26


Join Us at Beyond Stable Farm in Woodstock, IL!

Please Note:

The Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association would like to announce qualification requirements for the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics. The requirement to achieve a certain point total in qualifying classes has been removed. Riders must show in one Pleasure Equitation class on an American Saddlebred pleasure horse to qualify. Eligibility to compete in the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics is limited to those riders who show ONLY American Saddlebred Pleasure Horses in equitation during a given competition year and have not reached their 18th birthday.

The 2025 IASPHA Horse Show Series will be governed by the Equine Sports Council. The Equine Sports Council provides rules and standards, marketing, support and education to their network of horse shows with an emphasis on integrity, sportsmanship and safety. For more information visit


Member of the Monarch Horse Show Network.


©2025 Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association

Website Design By Horseminded, LLC

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